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Development Guide

For development, Scholarsome needs to be installed in a different way.

Clone the repo and move into it.

git clone
cd scholarsome

Install dependencies.


--legacy-peer-deps must be passed to the installation command

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

Next, we'll need to setup the environment file. Make a copy of the development one and open it in your favorite file editor.

cp .env

Scholarsome is dependent on a MariaDB instance, a Redis instance, and (optionally), an SMTP server. We recommend using Docker containers to setup these connections. has a configuration prefilled to match the container configuration commands listed below, but you can connect to a different database if necessary.

If you use the prefilled configuration, you will only need to fill in the STORAGE_LOCAL_DIR variable.

docker run -p 6379:6379 --name some-redis redis
docker run -p 3000:80 -p 25:25 rnwood/smtp4dev
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name some-mariadb --env MARIADB_USER=test --env MARIADB_PASSWORD=test --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=test --env MARIADB_DATABASE=scholarsome  mariadb:latest

Below is a list of the required environment variables. Reference the installation guide for documentation with the optional ones.

Development Environment Variables
Variable NameDescription
NODE_ENVRequired. Declares whether the application is running in development or production. Recommended to be set to development for development purposes.
DATABASE_URLRequired. Connection string to the MySQL database. The format should be as follows: mysql://(username):(password)@(host):(port)/(database)
JWT_SECRETRequired. String used to encrypt cookies and other sensitive items. Select something strong, as you will not need to know this.
HTTP_PORTRequired. Port that Scholarsome with be accessible through. Recommended to be set to 80. If using SSL, set to 80, as another server will be spawned with port 443.
HOSTRequired. The domain that Scholarsome will be running on. Likely will be localhost:4200 for development installs. Do not include HTTP.
STORAGE_TYPERequired. The method that Scholarsome will store media files, either local or s3. Recommended to be set to local for development installations.
REDIS_HOSTRequired. Host used to access the Redis database.
REDIS_PORTRequired. Port used to access the Redis database.
REDIS_USERNAMERequired. Username used to access the Redis database.
REDIS_PASSWORDRequired. Password used to access the Redis database.
STORAGE_LOCAL_DIRRequired if storing files locally. The absolute filepath pointing to the directory where Scholarsome should store media files.

Setup the database.

npm run migrate

Generate the local database files.

npm run generate

The development environment is now setup. Start the development server.

npm run start:dev

This may take a few moments as Angular builds for the first time. Scholarsome will be accessible at http://localhost:4200 once the URL is printed to the console by Angular.

Both the API (NestJS) and the frontend (Angular) will update automatically when file changes are saved.