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Quizzes are intended to differ from standard flashcard studying in that they replicate a testing environment. Writing out answers, or selecting from multiple choice can be more engaging than simply flipping a virtual card.

When creating a quiz, flashcards from the set are randomly pulled from to generate questions.

To access the quizzes feature, view a set and click the "Quiz" button. This will take you to a menu where you can configure the quiz.

Configuring quizzes

Once clicking the button, you will be taken to a menu where you can configure this individual quiz. This does not save between reloads - each time you enter this menu, you are able to configure it differently.

At the top, you can enable and disable certain question types. Multiple choice is only available for sets with four or more cards. Enable which will be compatible with how your set is written.

Below, you can configure which side of the card you answer a question with.

Number of questions denotes how many questions to generate. This is able to exceed the number of cards in the set.

Using quizzes

Once starting a quiz, answer as many questions as you can. Not all questions need to be filled in to submit the quiz.

Written questions are scored based on the similarity of the provided answer and the actual answer of the question. If the two are over 85% accurate, the answer is marked as correct. Images are removed from the text when checking accuracy.

Once a quiz is complete, click the "Submit quiz" button. This will score the quiz and present a correct value at the top.

To return to the configuration screen, click the arrow button in the bottom left. Note that the current progress in the quiz will not be saved after navigating away.